9 days for Godess

It rhymes “9 days for Godess” lol…..

As days passes by, India now stand on the festive of the great godess Durga, which is a symbol of strength.

Navratri which is spread over 9 nights to celebrate. It’s a unique season where people dance and play garba.

Garba a unique play which is mostly played by Gujrati’s.

A combination of colorfull dresses, with lot of enthusiasm, people play in full swing.

Dandiya, known as the weapon to play, are two long sticks which are clashed in a way which creates sound.

With this festival ranging for 9 days, marks the beginning of a complete season of festivals followed with Diwali.

India is country where people get themselves reasons to unite. This season attracts a large crowd and provides a reason to enjoy and dance.


Have a happy navratri.

Dharam Shah
16th Oct, 2012

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